Bowlus Bass Blog

All things bass (electric, acoustic, and upright) related.

My Photo
Location: Fremont, Ohio, United States

I am an attorney by day, but that's really just my "backup gig" in case this whole "musician thing" doesn't work out. ;^) I was been blessed with the opportunity to write freelance reviews for Guitar World's Bass Guitar Magazine, and I contributed regularly from the Spring of 2006 up until Bass Guitar Magazine's demise. This was, in itself, a dream come true, and an opportunity for which I am truly grateful. But this was a stepping stone to bigger and better things, and I am now the Editor-in-Chief of Bass Gear Magazine ( Our first issue came out in August of 2008, and we are now the leading bass review magazine, worldwide. Of course, on the topic of my true blessings, I have a wife and two kids, all of whom I greatly adore, so my time for music/bass/songwriting/performing, and yes, even the occasional practicing, is not infinite. Nevertheless, I really enjoy my time spent playing bass, writing and recording songs, and just getting to "play" with all that great gear! This blog is a result of these external interests...

Friday, February 28, 2025

Bowlus Bass Borg (gear in the 'collective')


Acoustic Image Clarus SL
Acoustic Image Focus 2R Series III
Aguilar DB 750
Ampeg Micro-VR (three; one possibly for sale)
Ampeg PF-500 (possibly for sale/trade)
Ampeg PF-50T
Ampeg SVT ('74)
Ampeg SVT-VR
Ampeg Heritage SVT-CL
Ampeg SVT-II
Ampeg SVT-4Pro
Ampeg SVT-5Pro
Ampeg SVT-6Pro
Ampeg SVT-7Pro
Ampeg SVT-8Pro 
Ampeg V-4B ('75)
Ampeg V-4B ('14)
Arkham Beast of Both Worlds
Arkham Ultra Linear 70w custom all-tube head
Ashdown Labs Superfly
Ashen Amps APG700.4
Bergantino B|Amp
Bergantino forte HP
Carvin B1500
Carvin BX500 (possibly for sale/trade)
Darkglass Microtubes 500
Darkglass Microtubes 900
Demeter Bass-400
Demeter VTBP-M-800D
Demeter HB600
EA Doubler II
EA iAMP 200
EA iAMP 350
EA iAMP 500 
EA iAMP 600
EA iAMP 800 
EA iAMP Classic (1,200w)
EA Micro300 (possibly for sale)
EA Micro500
EBS Reidmar (for sale/trade)
EBS Reidmar 750
Eden VT-300
Eden WT-405 Time Traveler
Epiphone Valve Jr.
Fender Super Bassman SB300
Fender Bassman 800
Fender 800 Pro
Fender TB-1200
Fuchs FBS-700
Fuchs FBT-700
Gallien-Krueger 700RB-II
Gallien-Krueger 800RB
Gallien-Krueger 800RB II
Gallien-Krueger 1001RB
Gallien-Krueger 2001RB
Gallien-Krueger Fusion 550
Gallien-Krueger MB200
Gallien-Krueger MB500 (possibly for sale/trade)
Gallien-Krueger MB800
Gallien-Krueger MB Fusion 800
Genzler Kinetix 800
Genzler Magellan MG-800
Gibson GB-440
Glockenklang Bass Art Classic
Glockenklang Blue Sky (1,000w version)
Glockenklang Blue Bird
Glockenklang Heart-Core
Glockenklang Heart-Rock II
GR Bass Mini One
Hartke HA5500 (possibly for sale/trade)
Hartke LH1000
Hughes & Kettner B.A.T.T
Jad Freer Sisma
Markbass Big Bang (possibly for sale/trade)
Markbass Classic 300
Markbass F500
Markbass LMII
Markbass MoMark (3 systems; for sale/trade)
Markbass Studio Pre 500
Mesa/Boogie Bass 400
Mesa/Boogie D-180
Mesa/Boogie WalkAbout (red-on-silver-face)
Mesa/Boogie WalkAbout (black-on-silver-face)
Mesa/Boogie WalkAbout (the very last new black-face sold)
Mesa/Boogie Fathom (M6 Carbine)
Mesa/Boogie Titan V-12
Mesa/Boogie Prodigy
Mesa/Boogie Strategy
Mesa/Boogie Subway D-350 (prototype)
Mesa/Boogie Subway D-800
Mesa/Boogie Subway D-800+
Mesa/Boogie Subway TT-800
Mesa/Boogie Subway WD-800
Music Man Audiophile HD-500
Orange AD200B/MK3
Orange Terror Bass 500 (for sale/trade)
Orange Terror Bass 500 (rev. 2)
Peavey Alpha Bass  
Peavey Classic 400
Peavey MiniMega
Phil Jones Bass M-300 (for sale/trade)
Phil Jones Bass M-500
Phil Jones Bass BP-800
Quilter Bass Block BB800
Quilter Bass Block BB802
Quilter Bass InterBass
Reeves Custom 225
Reiner Studio 1200
Reiner VHF700
Reiner Saturn V
Sadowsky SA200
Sonic Farm Tantra (2,500w)
SWR Electric Blue (modded to Baby Blue II specs)
SWR SM-500
SWR SM-900
SWR SM-1500
TC Electronic BH250
TC Electronic RH750
TecAmp Puma 900
Trace Elliot AH1200SM
Trace Elliot AH600-12
Trace Elliot ELF (two)
Trace Elliot Twin Valve
Trace Elliot V6
Trace Elliot V8
Trace Elliot VA400
Trace Elliot V-Type 600H
Traynor YBA-200
Traynor YBA-300
Trickfish Bullhead .5k
Tube Works RT-2100-ES (for sale/trade)
Walter Woods Ultra
Wayne Jones WJBA (2,000w)
Wayne Jones WJBA2 (1,000w)


Acoustic Image Flex Pre
Aguilar DB659
Ampeg SVP-Pro
ART Tube MP Studio
Broughton Super Stack Tube DI
Demeter HBP-1
Demeter VTBP-201
Demeter VTBP-201s
EBS MicroBass II (possibly for sale/trade)
EBS MicroBass III
EBS ValveDrive (pedal)
Eden Navigator
Gallien-Krueger PLEX
Hughes & Kettner B.A.T.T
Hughes & Kettner Tubeman
ISP Technologies Beta Bass Processor
Jule Amps Monique
Jule Amps Simone
Kern IP-777
Mesa/Boogie Subway Bass DI/Preamp
Millennia TD-1
Noble Tube Preamp
Peavey TMP-1
Phil Jones Bass Buddy
Phil Jones Bass P-1
PreSonus TubePre
Radial Bassbone (possibly for sale/trade)
Radial Bassbone V2
Raven Labs MDB-1
Skjold Pro Sound prototype tube preamp (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Stewart UDP-1a (two; one for sale/trade)
Summit Audio TD-100
The Low End custom 2-channel 12AX7 True Voice (table top)
Trace Elliot Transit-B
Trace Elliot TVT9 (guitar preamp, but sounds great on bass!)
Trace Elliot V-Type Pre
Tube Works Blue Tube (rackmount)
Warwick Jonas Hellborg Preamp
Wayne Jones WJBPII

Power Amps:

Acoustic Image Focus SA
Aguilar DB 728 (tube amp)
Ampeg SVP1600
Crest CA9 (three; two possibly for sale/trade)
Crown XLS 602
Demeter Minnie 800D
Demeter VTHF-300M (tube amp)
Eden WT-1000
GSS Sumo 1,000w
Jule Amps Simone 500
Mesa/Boogie M-190 (tube amp; possibly for sale/trade)
Phil Jones Bass M-5000
R.A.D. Engineering 1,000w
Stewart World 2.1 (possibly for sale/trade)
Trace Elliot VR350 (tube amp)
Warwick Jonas Hellborg MP 500


Accugroove Tri 208 (for sale/trade)
Accugroove Tri 115L
Accugroove Whappo, Jr.
Acoustic Image Flex Cab
Ampeg B-40 ('75)
Ampeg PF-115HE
Ampeg SVT-210AV (four)
Ampeg SVT-212AV
Ampeg SVT-810E
Ampeg SVT-410HE (two)
Ampeg Heritage SVT-810
Ashdown Mini15 (two; for sale/trade)
Ashdown Mini48 (two; for sale/trade)
AudioKinesis Changeling 112T (two)
AudioKinesis Hathor 1203 (two)
AudioKinesis Hathor 1855
AudioKinesis TC112AF
AudioKinesis TC115AF (Wide Body)
Azola Super Wizzy 2x12 (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Baer Amps ML-112 (two)
Baer Amps APX-112
Baer Amps APX-210
Bag End D12-D
Bag End S12E-C (blemished; for sale/trade cheap)
Barefaced Audio Two10
Barefaced Audio FR800
Bergantino custom 1x15 sub's (two; for sale/trade)
Bergantino custom 3x8
Bergantino AE112 (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Bergantino AE210 (two; one possibly for sale/trade)
Bergantino AE410
Bergantino CN212
Bergantino EX112
Bergantino EX115
Bergantino HG310 (two)
Bergantino HG412
Bergantino HD212
Bergantino HS210 
Bergantino HS410 
Bergantino HT110 (two)
Bergantino HT112 
Bergantino HT112 ER (two)
Bergantino HT115 (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Bergantino HT210 (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Bergantino HT310 (two; possibly for sale/trade)
Bergantino HT322
Bergantino IP112 (powered cab w/ DSP)
Bergantino IP153 (powered cab w/ DSP)
Bergantino IP212 (powered cab w/ DSP)
Bergantino IP310 (powered cab w/ DSP)
Bergantino NV115 (two)
Bergantino NV215
Bergantino NV412
Bergantino NV610
Bergantino NV610T
Bergantino NXTSE 212
Bergantino Reference Series 210
Bergantino Reference II Series 112
Bergantino Reference II Series 115
Carvin LS1503 (two; possibly for sale)
Demeter 1x12 (fliptop)
Demeter 1x12 (non-fliptop)
EA iL-110
EA NL-112 (three)
EA NL-210 (two)
EA NM-410
EA VL-108 (two)
EA VL-110 (two)
EA VL-208 (four; one 4-ohm)
EA VL-210 (4-ohm)
EA Wizzy (two)
EA Wizzy 10 (two)
fEarful 15/6/1
fEarful 12/6cube/1
Fender Bassman Pro Neo 4x10 
Fender Bassman Pro Neo 6x10
Fender Rumble 210
Gallien-Krueger Neo112-II
Gallien-Krueger Neo212-II
Gallien-Krueger Neo410 (possibly for sale/trade)
Genzler BA12-3 (three; one possibly for sale)
Genzler BA12-3 SLT
Genzler BA15-3 SLT (two)
Genzler NC115T
Genzler NC210T
Glockenklang 6-Box (6x10; two; one for sale/trade)
Glockenklang Bass Art Classic Cab
Glockenklang Double (2x12)
Glockenklang Duo (2x10)
Glockenklang Duo Wedge (2x10)
Glockenklang Duo Art Light (2x10)
Glockenklang Space Deluxe (1x12)
Glockenklang Space Art (1x12)
Glockenklang Take 5 (4x10)
Glockenklang Uno Rock Art Light (1x15)
GR Bass GR 208 (2x8)
Hartke VX810 (for sale/trade)
Hevos Midget (4 ohm)(possibly for sale/trade)
ISP Technologies Bass Vector 115 (1,000w powered cab)(for sale/trade)
Jad Freer Venere 110
Jad Freer Venere 210
Markbass CL108 (8x10)
Markbass NYC 604 (two; possibly for sale)
Mesa/Boogie Diesel 4x10 (Deep version)
Mesa/Boogie Diesel Powerhouse Jr. (1x12, 4x8)(possibly for sale/trade)
Mesa/Boogie Diesel 2x15 EV
Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse PH210
Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse PH212
Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse PH610
Mesa/Boogie Scout 1x12 (three)
Mesa/Boogie Subway 112 (three)
Mesa/Boogie Subway 115
Mesa/Boogie Subway 210
Mesa/Boogie Subway 215
Mesa/Boogie Traditional Powerhouse PH410
Mesa/Boogie Traditional Powerhouse PH810
Michael Arnopol Soundworks MAS-210Flex
Michael Arnopol Soundworks MAS-66/110
Michael Arnopol Soundworks MAS-45 Tower
Michael Arnopol Soundworks MAS-1/8 v2 (powered)
Michael Arnopol Soundworks MAS-1/8 v2 (passive)
Music Man HD-210 (possibly for sale/trade)
Music Man HD-212 (possibly for sale/trade)
Orange OBC-410 (two)
Orange OBC-115 (two)
Orange SP410 (neo drivers)
Orange SP212 (neo drivers)
Orange SP210 (neo drivers)
Patterson Audio/LDS 2x8's (two, 2-way, 4 ohm)
Peavey 1820 (for sale locally)
Phil Jones Bass 4B (two; for sale/trade)
Phil Jones Bass Neo-Power 8B (two)
Phil Jones Bass C8 (two)
Phil Jones Bass BP-100 (100w powered 2x5)
Phil Jones Bass PB-300 (250w powered 6x5)
Reeves 4x10 (sealed)
Sadowsky SA210
Sadowsky SA410 (two)
SWR Baby Blue extension cab
SWR Goliath Sr. (6x10)
SWR Henry the 8x8 (two)
TecAmp S212 Classic
Trace Elliot 4052H (4x5 "Bright Box")
Trace Elliot 1084H  (8x10)
Trace Elliot 1048H (4x10)
Trace Elliot 1153 (1x15; two)
Trace Elliot 1524 (2x15)
Trace Elliot 2103H (2x10)
Trace Elliot 1x10 (two; one with tweeter; possibly for sale/trade)
Trace Elliot custom 1x12 (made by Steve Azola from the cab portion of a Twin Valve Combo)
Trace Elliot ELF 2x8 (two)
Trace Elliot ELF 1x10 (two)
Trickfish Small Mouth 210 (two)
Wayne Jones 2x10 (the original! two; possibly for sale/trade)
Wayne Jones WJ 2x10 Passive (two)
Wayne Jones WJ110 pair (one powered, one slave)
Yamaha BBT110S (two)


AER amp one
AER amp three
Ampeg B-15N ('66)
BOSS Katana-110
Euphonic Audio iAMP 350 Combo (1x10)
Fender Bassman TV 12
Fender Adam Clayton ACB 50
Fender RAD Bass
Fender LT25
Fender Stage 800
Ibanez Promethean P5210
Mesa/Boogie WalkAbout Scout 1x12 (three)
Phil Jones Bass Bass Engine 17
Phil Jones Bass Double Four
Phil Jones Bass Flightcase BG-150
Phil Jones Bass Super Flightcase BG-300
Phil Jones Bass Roadcase BG-800
Phil Jones Bass Nanobass X4
Phil Jones Bass Nanobass X4C
Pignose B-100v (1x15)
Roland Dual Cube LX
SWR Baby Blue II
SWR Redhead
SWR Super Redhead
Trace Elliot ELF 1x10
Trace Elliot BLX 150
Trace Elliot Twin Valve Combo (two; one 1x15 and one 1x12)


AC Guitars Recurve Type-S 5
AC Guitars Graft Finn 4
AC Guitars Reiver 26.6" scale 2-string bass
Acoustic Black Widow
Alpher Cobia Elite 4 (21-fret)
Alpher Mako Elite 4 (24-fret)
Ampeg Dan Armstrong Reissue (Serial # 0001)
Aquilina Shelby 5
Aria Pro II ZZB Custom (possibly for sale/trade)
Atlansia Galuxy 4B
B.C. Rich Warlock (USA Custom; possibly for sale/trade)
Blast Cult THIRTY2
Brubaker JXB-4 USA
Carvin SB4000
Carvin PB5
Celinder J-Update 4
Celinder J-Update 5
Celinder Vintage Precision 4
Celinder P-Update 5
Curbow Custom Jazz 5 Fretless
Curbow Petite 4 (rockwood body/neck)
Curbow Retro 5
Danelectro Baritone
DeArmond Pilot 5 Deluxe (w/ upgraded electronics)
Dingwall AB1 4
Dingwall Afterburner 4 (NAMM prototype)
Dingwall D-Bird 4
Dingwall John Taylor Signature 4
Dingwall Voodoo Prima 4
Dingwall Voodoo Zebra 4
Dingwall Z3 5
Drake Model 7 (4-string)
Drake Model 10 (4-string)
Drake 32" Scale J-Bass
Drake "51 P-bass"
Emerald Guitars Balor (4-string, acoustic bass guitar)
Epiphone El Capitan
Epiphone Viola Bass
F Bass 40th Anniversary P/J 4
F Bass BN4
F Bass BN5
F Bass Studio 5
F Bass VFP4 (possibly for sale/trade)
F Bass VF5
Fender American Deluxe Precision Bass (1997, Suhr era)
Fender American Deluxe Precision Bass (1998, Suhr era)
Fender Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass (2004-06, CIJ)
Fender Mod Shop Jazz Bass
Fender Steve Harris Precision Bass
Fender Duff McKagan Deluxe Precision Bass
Fender Justin Meldal-Johnsen Mustang Bass
Fender Jazz (1973)
Fender Precision (1974)
Fender Hollowbody Precision A/E (MIJ; with upgrades)
Fender Power Jazz Bass Special
Fender American Professional Jazz 4 (fretless)
Fender American Original '60s Jazz Bass
Fender Ultra Precision
Fender Mustang P/J
Fender Player Series Jazz Bass
Fibenare Globe 5 Bolt-On
Fodera Emperor 5 Standard
Fodera Monarch 4 Custom
G&L CLF Research L1000
Gibson Explorer
Gibson Thunderbird IV
Gibson Thunderbird Nikki Sixx Signature (for sale)
Gibson SG Standard Bass (possibly for sale)
Gibson Grabber II (Limited Edition; possibly for sale)
Gibson Victory Custom
Gold Tone M-Bass25
Gretsch 5123B Electromatic
Groove Shoppe 5 (custom)
Guild Pilot
Harry Fleishman AntiGravity Flamenco 4
Harry Fleishman AntiGravity Prototype
Ibanez ATK750KOA
Ibanez USA Custom ATK 4-string
Ibanez Mikro
Ibanez Road Star II DB 680 (possibly for sale/trade)
Ibanez Limited Edition Premium SR4CMLTD
Jerzy Drozd Excellency V (possibly for sale)
Journey Instruments OB660P1 Carbon Fiber Acoustic Bass
Kala Acoustic-Electric U-Bass (solid mahogany; fretless)(possibly for sale/trade)
Kala Solid Body 5-String U-Bass (fretless)(possibly for sale/trade)
Kay Kay C-1 (1950's era upright bass)
Ken Lawrence Associate 5
Kinal Kompact S (solid body; short scale)
Kubicki ExFactor
Lakland Skyline 44-64 Custom (fka Duck Dunn Signature Model)
Lakland Skyline DJ-4 (Aero pickups)
Lakland Skyline Hollowbody (Bartolini pickups)
Lotus MIJ double-cut, neck-through 4-string (red; my first bass!)
Lotus MIJ double-cut, neck-through 4-string (green)
Marleaux Consat 5 (neck-through)
Marleaux Consat 4 RTW
Marleaux Consat 4 (neck-through, short scale)
Marleaux Consat Soprano
Martin B-65
Mike Lull MV4
Mike Lull MV5
MTD 435-24 (mahogany/quilted maple/maple/ebony)
MTD 535-24 (chambered alder/water cured redwood/maple/blistered ebony; Marilyn #3)
MTD 535-24 (makore body, ebony top, flamed ash & white wenge neck, birdseye maple board)
MTD Saratoga 4 (alder body, maple neck, birdseye maple board)
Nordstrand 'Nordy' vJ5 (alder/rosewood)
Nordstrand 'Nordy' vJ5 (ash/maple)
Nordstrand vP4 (alder/rosewood)
NS Design CRM4 (electric upright)
NS Design NXT4a (electric upright)
Peavey T-40 (1978)
Peavey T-40 (1979)
Peavey T-40 (1981; rosewood fingerboard)
Peavey T-40 (1982; sunburst)
Peavey T-45 (1982)
Peavey T-45
Pedulla Buzz
Pedulla MVP4
Pedulla Nuance 4
Pedulla Interceptor 4 (1984)
Pedulla Pentabuzz (possibly for sale/trade)
PRS Electric Bass
Reverend Rumblefish XL
Rick Turner RB4 STD (fretted)
Rob Allen Mouse 30 (fretless)
Sadowsky P/J 5
Sadowsky Will Lee Model 4-string
Sadowsky Super P/J 4
Sadowsky "SWR Jazz Bass"
Sadowsky Tokyo RA4
Schecter Stiletto Diamond Series 8-string
Skjold Custom 5
Skjold Exotic Custom 4
Skjold Exotic Custom 5 (fretless)
Skjold Greyling 4
Skjold Lion's Pride 5, Type A
Skjold Lion's Pride 5, Type B
Skjold Skjoldslayer 4 (with bottle opener!)
Skjold JP Zia 5
Smith Creek Mandolin Christopher DBG
Smullen J5 Modern
Squier VM Precision TB (for sale)
Squier VM Telecaster Bass Special
Squier 40th Anniversary Jazz Bass
Squier by Fender '62 Jazz Bass Reissue (1983, early CIJ)
Status Graphite Stealth 4
Sterling by Music Man Ray34CA
Sterling by Music Man DarkRay
Supro Huntington II
Supro Huntington III
Tobias Basic 5, # 766 (Jimmy Haslip model)
Tobias Basic 4, #1339 
Tobias Basic 4, #1992
Tobias Killer-B 4, #2019
Tom Clement Joan 4-string (fretless)
Tom Clement Phoenix 4-string
Wilkins Cheyenne 5
Wyn 5-string
Yamaha BB2025x (possibly for sale)
Yamaha BEX-BS
Yamaha TRBX504


3Leaf Audio You're Doom
3Leaf Audio Octabvre
3Leaf Audio Wonderlove
3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator
Akai Deep Impact SB1
Akai Uni-Bass UB1
Ampeg Classic Analog Bass Preamp
Ampeg Liquifier
Ampeg Opto Comp
Ampeg Scrambler
Amptweaker Bass Tight Fuzz
Amptweaker Bass Tight Drive
Amptweaker Bass Fat Rock
Amptweaker Bass Tight Fuzz, Jr.
Amptweaker Bass Tight Drive, Jr.
Amptweaker PressuRizer
AnalogMan Bypass Loop Pedal
AnalogMan Chorus (with Deep switch)
BBE MS-92 Sonic Stomp
Broughton Always On HPF
Broughton Buffer Bandwidth Amplifier
Broughton Filter FX Loop
Broughton SSDI
Broughton Synth Voice Deluxe
Creation Audio Labs Mk. 4.23
Crowther Audio Prunes & Custard
Damnation Audio Loop Blender
Damnation Audio MDB2
Darkglass Duality
Darkglass Harmonic Booster
Darkglass Hyper Luminal
Darkglass Vintage Deluxe
Darkglass Vintage Ultra
Darkglass Microtubes B7k Ultra
Darkglass Microtubes X7
Darkglass Super Symmetry
Demeter Compulator
DiCosimo Audio 800RB Bass Preamp
DigiTech Bass Synth Wah
DigiTech Bass Whammy
DigiTech Drop
Dingwall 35th Anniversary Pedal
Earthquaker Devices Hoof Reaper
Earthquaker Devices Pitch Bay
EBS Billy Sheehan Signature Drive
EBS Microbass II
EBS Microbass 3
EBS Stanley Clarke Signature Acoustic Preamp
EBS ValveDrive
Eden CaliforniWAH
Eden Glowplug
Electro-Harmonix Bass Mono Synth
Electro-Harmonix Bass Metaphors
Electro-Harmonix Battalion
Electro-Harmonix Big Muff π
Electro-Harmonix Crying Bass
Electro-Harmonix Lumberjack
Electro-Harmonix Pitchfork
Electro-Harmonix POG
Electro-Harmonix Q-Tron
Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar
Electro-Harmonix Soul Food
Electro-Harmonix Voice Box
Electro-Harmonix White Finger
Empress Effects ParaEQ MkII
Empress Effects ParaEQ MkII Deluxe
Eventide H9 Max
F Bass Big F Boost
Fender Downtown Express
Fulltone Bass Drive
Genzler 4 OT Floor
Genzler RE/Q
H.B.E. Hematoma
Hotone B Station
Jad Freer Capo
Marleaux Tonwerk Bass Preamp
Master Effects Super 300
Mesa/Boogie Subway DI
MXR M89 Bass Overdrive
MXR Bass Preamp
MXR Phase 100
Night Owl Edison
Noble Tube Preamp
Orange Bass Butler
Panda Audio Future Impact
Peterson StroboStomp Mini
Peterson VS-S StroboStomp
Quilter Labs Interbass
Radial Tonebone BassBone
Radial Tonebone BassBone V2
Rodenberg LDP
Singular Sound Aeros Loop Station
Sonic Nuance Tuner + DI
Source Audio C4 Synth
Sushi Box Dr. Watson
Sushi Box Lab Rat (HW)
Sushi Box Sashimi Fuzz
Sushi Box SBVT
Sushi Box Slampegg Bee Pre (HW)
Sushi Box Space Heater
Sushi Box Space Heater (hand-wired Special Edition)
Sushi Box Underground Accelerator (hand-wired Special Edition)
Sushi Box Westinghouse
TC Electronic Flashback
TC Electronic Polytune
Triode Vision
Wampler Low Blow
Way Huge Pork & Pickle


Blogger John said...

Hey Tom-
I'm glad you are putting all your gear experience into a blog. I just can't believe I'm the first to post a comment. First guy to the party. Well I like hearing your thoughts on gear because of your bass choices. I'm mainly a vintage sort of guy and I had a Gibson Ripper that I loved, but finally sold because i have never gotten comfortable with Gibson necks.

I wouldn't mind hearing you opinions between the two aggie preamps with the 728. I had a 680/728 combo for a while. I sold the 680 and the 728 is still on consignment at Bass Emporium. I'm thinking about taking it off the market and getting another tube pre to match it. I don't really need all the EQ features of the 680 and I would like to find something cheaper and lighter like the 659. Or something completly different.What do you think?

John Thomasson AKA masmasbasso

4:09 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

Thanks for posting, John! I really need to get this blog in order, but I'm kind of new to the "blog thing", and I'm rather busy!

So far, I have only gigged out with the 659 into the 728, and I really loved this combination, especially after I played around with the preamp tubes in the 659 and settled on NOS Telefunkens. The mids improved dramatically over the Sovteks that were in it when I bought it (used). I have also driven the 728 directly from my Chandler Tube Drive, and this may be some of the best tube tone I have heard yet! Well, except for the DB 359, which is my current top dawg in the tone department.

4:16 PM  
Blogger bassthumpa said...

Holy crap dude, running out of space indeed! Tell ya what, how about you let me lift a few of those "burdens" from ya... and I won't even charge you! ;)

1:59 AM  
Blogger Vernon said...

Hey Tom,
I'm looking for a new pre and I saw that you have a pjb P-1.I would be racking this with a ca-9
push an El Whappo and tri 210L.
I would appreciate your thoughts.

10:21 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

Hey, Vernon, thanks for stopping in!

Yes, the P-1 would pair up fantastically with the CA9. In fact, the CA9 is definitely my preferred amp for driving an El Whappo, and the P-1 is one of the finest preamps I have tried. This would be a killer rig, IMHO.


10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

First, thanks for all the help you've been to us curious bassists who don't have your gear-acquiring superpowers, both on TB and with your blog - I always appreciate your honest and well-thought observations.

Once you clear some space for more additons to the collective, might I make some selfish suggestions...I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the new Series 2 Epifani UL410 cabs (as I just bought a used SA200, but can't find any SA410 cabs for it anywhere, and I'm wondering how the Epifani would match it). And, I'd LOVE for someone to get their hands on a Phil Jones T-500! I wonder if Phil's loaded one of his folded-horn cabinets with neo-drivers yet (...mmm...folded horns) - that's my money's-no-object dream rig!

Best Wishes,
Brendan (Erkindanger!)

12:27 AM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...


IME, Epifani cabs in general, and especially the UL series, have not sounded their best with tube power. I have not tried the UL2-410 with a tube head, though, so it might be the exception to the rule. But I doubt it.

If you are looking for a substitute for an SA410, then I heartily recommend the Bergantino HS410. I am in love with this cab, and it most definitely excels with tube power.


12:20 PM  
Blogger Michael Boehm said...

I guess it could go on forever if people asked you to ab all the gear they are interested in.

I am playing an Alembic excel and just got a Schroeder 12+L cab. I am thinking of getting a Markbass LMK II for a DIY portable combo. I notice you dont have any Schroeders (I love this cab) and wonder why, also if you think that combo makes sense. I play rock and like a sound with clear crisp presence, and a lot of low mids for growl.



PS Let me know if you want to sell the markbass...

8:43 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

I have tried and used numerous Schroeder cabs in the past, and they just aren't my thing. That combo may work well for you, though.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Hi Tom,

Wow! You have quite the collection.

I am interested in your two Bag End S18E-C's if you still have them. I already have a M2 integrator so I don't really need that. Would you be willing to ship?

Look forward to hearing back. Thanks.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...


Yes, I would sell them without the ELF processor, and yes, I would ship. Drop me a line at


10:42 AM  
Blogger Jaime said...

Hello Tom,
Thanks for the 112 shootout and the Bergantino IP series review. I've been playing solid state for years and got the inkling to run a vintage tube 67' Fender Bassman through my Berg NV610 in an attempt to solve some crazy frequency problems in a particular venue (Nimbus Brew/pub) here in Tucson. I was also trying to avoid having to haul my 100 lb rack setup. A terrible hiss was generated from the head as a result, and at full power there was not enough volume. However, adding my Avalon U5 DI between me and the amp generated a sound I've had been searching for for years. I have no idea why this works, but now I've got the smooth tube sound of the Bassman coupled with the clean control of the U5. Would you have a clue as to why this is working? I mean I only have to turn the volume up on the tube amp to 2, as long as I've got the U5 in line. It's as though the U5 is acting like the amp and the Bassman as a second pre other than the J-Retro on board my Jazz. Almost no hiss is detectable while leaving a huge amount of room to turn up on the Bassman. I'm worried I might hurt the NV610 in some way. That is question number one.
Here's question number two. Although I don't know if I could ever bring myself to sell the Berg NV610, I'm looking to lighten my load. I'll eventually try the IP series, but for now I feel more comfortable tubed, and I feel more in control with old hard wired amps. If something goes wrong and I have to fix something, I feel better when I have at least a fighting chance of understanding the technology - it's the curse of being an engineer by training and electrical/mechanical isn't my specialty. And so, if you have the time I'd like to know what you think about substituting the NV610 with an AE112 and an AE110 or perhaps just two AE112's.
I believe I'd be sacrificing some watt capacity, but I keep thinking these configurations would be an adequate substitute for the NV610 even though the 610 is a sealed/non-tweetered cab. As soon as I plucked the first note through the NV610 I was in awe over its thumpy yet controlled clarity, and I may not want to sacrifice that for the ported/tweetered AE setups that I mentioned.
So there you have it. Any possible help would be forever appreciated as there are no retail berg distributors within 800 miles of me, and I'd like to have a better idea of what to expect before I send cash money into cyberspace. Based on your blogs I trust your ears. Peace.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Ken Hanson said...

Hi Tom,

I thought I'd say hello. I've owned a bit of equipment myself and its gratifying to see someone that makes me look like an amateur.

I've recently purchased the Hellborg system and I also own the Heart Core Head and a Quatro from Glockenklang. I am having a little bit of a challenge getting used to the Hellborg stuff. It is distinctive for sure. I haven't played out with it yet, that test will happen at the end of the week.

I notice that you don't own any of the Schroeder cabinets or any Epifini Heads. I'm curious. Do you have any opinions of either.

Also, I notice you own the Glockenklang Tedd. Do you have any opinion of the Uno Deluxe?

Hope all is well.

Ken Hanson
Milwaukee, Wi

5:56 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

You have some nice gear, for sure!

As for Schroeder cabs, I have owned some in the past, and I have tried more than a dozen models from Jorg, but they really are not my cup of tea. I prefer a more accurate, clear, full-range tone.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Hello Tom,
Beautiful collection!
I am searching for a super clean Trace Elliot VA400. Or Trace AH500 Series 6 heads. (No SMX) Any thoughts? I have a NEW Marcus Miller M2 preamp and a Crown XTi Amp. Willing to swap.
I think I have owned just about everything cool out there in the last 15 years and I keep going back to my Status basses, Wal, Trace Elliot w/ SWR cabs. (A victim of the Mark King 80's I guess)! lol!
Any ideas? would you part with your VA? Or please keep an eye out for me in your travels for one?
My band is billy's gone... check out if you ever have a moment.
Thank you for your time and all of your information over the years!

Best regards,

11:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom
I don't know if you're selling any of your Raven Labs gear but if you are and still have them, I would LOVE to take them off your hands.

Please let me know

12:53 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

I do still have those units, but I am not looking to get rid of them. Sorry.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Tom,

I came across your blog in my internet search an INTERSOUND IVP and noticed that in a recent posting, you had this item on a gear list for sale. I would like to know how much you want for it and if you would be willing to sell it to me. I am in Montreal, Canada and I realize that a transaction like this might be a hassle. But alas, I can't find this thing anywhere. I have a pay pal account if that helps at all. Please let meknow.

Thank You,

7:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Tom,

I came across your blog in my internet search an INTERSOUND IVP and noticed that in a recent posting, you had this item on a gear list for sale. I would like to know how much you want for it and if you would be willing to sell it to me. I am in Montreal, Canada and I realize that a transaction like this might be a hassle. But alas, I can't find this thing anywhere. I have a pay pal account if that helps at all. Please let me know.

Thank You,

7:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom, Hope you can field another question for me. I am a longtime guitarist/keyboard guy now a new bassist working about every weekend. I have very little experience with bass amplification equip. I have been using a LMII and obviously it's a nice little head, but I recently built one of greenboy's fEarful 15/6 and now a gb 15Sub as well. Both enclosure have Kappalite 3015LF's and wanting more headroom for them just picked up an Ampeg SVP-CL (from "Chef" over at TB., and a used QSC PLX-3402. I just gigged last night with it and was absolutely "plastered" up against it, so really don't have much of an overall opinion yet. Just noticed in your gear listing you have no QSC products. Mind to share your thoughts on the PLX series as far as bass amplification? I do like the LMII alot, but did notice at an outdoor gig I wanted more power avail. How about the newer higher power MBass stuff? Any opinions? Thanks for ay thought you will share. Best...Rob

5:13 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

I owned a PLX 3002 for some time, and did a lot of gigs with it, in fact. But when I started trying some other power amps, I noticed that it was much easier to get what I wanted out of other power amps. My favorite is the Crest CA9, but it is pretty heavy. If you want to go lightweight, I have had better luck with a Stewart World 2.1. In theory, if you gain match the amps, they are supposed to sound the same. But with a variety of bass preamps, I didn't seem to be able to drive the QSC hard enough to make it equal to the Stewart or Crest. So, I stuck with what worked for me and sold the QSC. Now, if I did not have those other amps, I might have looked into some mods to make the QSC work better with my pre's.


6:36 PM  
Blogger jman said...

looking to purchase a
Fender TNB-110 SPL. CIJ Thinline Hollowbody P bass
any thoughts?

1:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Are you interested to sale Fender Roscoe Beck V ? Mail me:

5:35 AM  
Blogger Robby Lattimore said...

Hey Tom,

How do the Bergantino AE410's and the HS410's compare when handling tube power?

I'm looking to get a Reeves Custom 225... How would that head pair up with the Bergs? Would you suggest getting the Reeves 410 instead?

I'd REALLY like to get a Sadowsky SA200, but they are impossible to find and very very expensive... I've read that the Reeves is somewhat similar in quality and tone.. What do you think?

All of that will be used with various vintage Fenders in my collection.

I'd very much appreciate the help!

Robby Lattimore

2:04 AM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...


The HS410 responds better to an all-tube head and is a better sonic match, IMHO. The HS410 is fairly similar to the Sadowsky SA410, which was designed to be run with tube power. The SA410 is a little tighter in the lows, and the mids seem to growl a bit more. The HS410 is a bit more extended in the low range and a bit smoother through the midrange. Both are great with tube heads, but the HS410 tends to sound better than the SA410 with solid state heads.

Now, that Reeves 4x10 is another excellent option. It does not have a tweeter, but it extends pretty high for just four 10" drivers. It is really tight and full at the same time, and it's a strong performer with tube power. The Reeves C225 has a different tone than the SA200, but it is right up there when it comes to superb clean tube tone. The C225 doesn't really do an overdriven tone (the SA200 can dial in some really nice, but not over the top, grit/grind), but man, its clean tone is soooooo good!


8:50 AM  
Blogger Robby Lattimore said...

Thanks Tom,

After your advice, I'm leaning toward the Reeves C225 and 4x10. But I've heard excellent things about the Berg... So thats still an option.

I'm a hired gun, so I need to have a rig that is great of all kinds of styles (jazz, rock, funk, latin, ballads, the works..). Do you think that rig would be a good all-styles type amp?

Also, do you have any experience with Mike Lull basses? I'm on the hunt for a flawless, immaculately built, passive jazz bass. I have the outboard sadowsky preamp on my pedalboard, and I really love how it sounds with passive pickups. Mike Lull has come up a good bit in my hunting, as Sadowsky only makes active/passive basses, and Lakland USA is way too expensive for me. I'm interested in the V4 or UV4. What do you think?

I definitely appreciate your wisdom. It's been a huge help!

Robby Lattimore

12:28 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...


I think a Reeves C225 with either the Reeves 410 or an HS410 would be a great, great rig. But do I think that it would be a "do anything Jack of all trades?" I'm not sure. It has full, clean, rich, powerful, articulate tone, and you can dial in various EQ'd versions of that tone. But it isn't going to entirely change its stripes. There are other heads which cover a wider range of tonal palettes, but then again, if you love the compelling sound of tubes, the C225 is one of the best out there.

I do not own any Lull basses (yet!), but he certainly builds a great instrument. If you are looking for a flawless, immaculately built, passive J-bass, I strongly suggest that you also check out Carey Nordstrand ( My passive VJ5 Classic is one of my favorite instruments. But Mike Lull is another excellent choice, for sure.


12:36 PM  
Blogger Robby Lattimore said...


I decided to go with a Lull, I'll let you know how it is when I get it!

Amp-wise, I'm looking into the Aguilar DB751 now. What are your thoughts on the amp?

With that head, would you suggest getting a Berg (AE or HS 410) or the Aguilar DB 410? If Berg, which Berg is best?

How does the DB751 compare to the Reeves and or Sadowsky heads? Do you think It would be a better "jack of all trades" rig?

I very very very much appreciate your wisdom!

Robby Lattimore

12:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm trying to find a Bergantino HT115. Can you help me find one? Would you sell one of yours?

Athens, GA

12:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Looks like you have too much gear. I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to find a Bergantino HT115 cab for a sweet little rig. Would you sell me one of yours?

Athens, GA

12:14 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

I actually use both of my HT115's on a fairly regular basis, so I'm sorry but they aren't up for grabs.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom, do you still have the Traynor Mono Block B for sale? Thanks, Andre

12:56 PM  
Blogger Tom Bowlus said...

I am sorry, but no. It has gone on to a new owner.

12:58 PM  

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