It should come as no surprise to some of you that I have a bit of a love affair with tube heads/amps, though I also really like a quality solid state amp (different horses for different courses). Well, my lastest "love" is an all-tube head spawned from the mind of Roger Sadowsky. When I first heard that Roger might be doing an all-tube head, I was very interested. Then, I learned that he intended on marketing this head primarily in Japan. Bummer... Fortunately, he decided to sell some direct here in the USA, and I eagerly grabbed one up. The amp is actually built by Dolf Koch (who also builds the Eden VT-300B), and I do feel that Dolf is an artist as well as an amp maker. His designs are elegant and austere, and to my eyes, the SA200 is his crown jewel. Here is a photo:

and the rear:

Once I got mine home, I immediately had to pair it up with my Bergantino NV215 and my Sadowsky 25th Anniversary 24 Fret 5-string:

These three pieces really work great together, and the net result is perhaps the best sounding (and looking!) rig that I have ever put together. I have more details at, so if you are interested, please check out this thread:
The Eagle Has Landed!!! Sadowsky All-Tube Head!!!More to come, including a mega all-tube head steel cage match!
Later, Tom.
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