Mini Cab Combo Shootout
Here are the competitors:

For those of you who don't know these cabs by sight, from left to right, they are:
Bergantino EX112/HT112
Two EA Wizzy's
Epifani T-112/T-110UL
EA CXL-112/CXL-210 (I know it's not quite mini, but I threw it in anyways - plus, I don't have two CXL-112s)
EA VL-110/VL-208
Yes, it's an "EA-heavy" group, but that's the kind of guy I am! I chose these particular combination of cabs based in part upon recent threads, based in part upon common configurations among other TBers and the observed synergy between particular cabs, and based in part upon my own personal preferences. I will point out that I have some other single "mini" cabs that are very worthy (Hevos Midget, EA VL-108, ACME Low B-2), but I wanted to keep this comparision to just combinations of mini (or almost mini, in the case of the CXL's) cabs.
I should, of course, say that these are all excellent cabs in their own right (if I didn't feel this way, I wouldn't bother keeping them all around!), and personal preferences will vary greatly among different players. My observations are my own, and your opinions will certainly vary from mine. For testing, I used both my rack rig (Eden Navigator, QSC PLX 3002) and my iAMP 800. Except for use of the "Deep" switch on my iAMP 800, all EQ settings were set flat. I tried the Navigator with Enhance off or set at 12 o'clock, and ultimately left it off for testing). I would have also used my Walter Woods, but Todd VanSelus is playing with it right now. The overall sound was somewhat different, as you would expect, but the relative results were the same with either the rack rig or the iAMP. While I have used most of these cabs with URB to good effect in the past, I didn't feel like breaking out the doghouse for this one. Most of my testing was done with my favorite axe - 1991 Gibson Thunderbird IV - but 5-string response was briefly tested with my modified DeArmond Pilot 5 Deluxe (the short answer here is that all combos will reproduce the low B to an extent that is consistent with my overall impressions listed below).
In my original post on, I presented my "findings" in random order, without indicating up front which combo is which. But as this blog is an effort to somewhat condense my comments, etc., I will indicate up front which is which.
Epifani T-112/T-110UL: This combo had the deepest response overall, with a hint of mid scoop, but you probably wouldn't notice it if it wasn't being compared to other, midrange friendly smaller cabs. I'd call it "polite" in the mids, more than "mid-shy." Definitely the biggest low end, though, and very nice high end. Somewhat of an "old school vibe", but not so much as Combo C. Really likes being driven hard. With the "Deep" switch on the iAMP 800 engaged, though, it became too low end heavy.
EA CxL-112/CxL-210: This was both the tightest sounding and the thinest sounding of the group. Clarity was razor sharp. With the "Deep" switch engaged on the iAMP 800, though, these two cabs really come to life and handle the extra lows without any problems. Set flat, though, it was by far the smallest sounding combo of the group. With the "Deep" switch engaged, and with the volume cranked, though, it became a monstrously full and loud rig. Ultimately, a very flexible combo, but needs EQing.
Bergantino EX112/HT112: This combo hit the "old school vibe" right off the bat. The lows weren't earth shaking, but output was respectable for the size of the cab ("Deep" worked to provide excellent fundamental support at lower volumes, but I wasn't comfortable using it with higher volumes). Articulation throughout the midrange was punchy, if not ultimately as clear as some of the others. Low mids up through middle mids are its strength. Also a little bit polite in the upper mids, but not so much as Combo A. Very punchy overall, especially in the heart of the midrange. Slightly "roundish" sound, overall.
EA Wizzy's: At similar volume settings, this was the loudest combo of the group. Articulation was very good from top to bottom. Overall clarity was a shade behind Combos B and E, but in the same ballpark. Low end was surprisingly strong, and just barely behind Combo A. With "Deep" engaged, it became huge, but still manageable, and could be used even at higher volumes. Also very punchy, but more of a high-mid punch, when compared to Combo C. A very balanced combo, but with an extra layer of upper midrange presence, and a hint of warmth.
EA VL-110/VL-208: This combo had it all - strong lows, balanced mids, smooth sweet highs, and ability to be driven very hard without breaking up. You could probably dial in the sound of almost any of the other combos with these two cabs. The "Deep" switch was pretty much unnecessary, but if used, it worked much like with Combo C, and again, I wouldn't use it if pushing the volume really loud. The only complaint of this combo compared to the others might be that since it seems to hit on all cylinders across the board, it doesn't have as much "personality" as the others.
Nice Blog
Wandsworth Airport Transfer
Thanks! It is a bit old, though...
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